
国际空间站 Facility 亿宝彩票app官网 puts 安全, health, and hygiene first

People have the expectation that the places they visit and work in are clean, 安全, 和卫生. The Covid-19 pandemic demonstrated that even spotless facilities are being called into question. People no longer assume that the places they visit and work in will be clean, 安全, 和卫生, 但要积极寻求确保它们是正确的. Every day, cleaning services performed by 国际空间站 keep people healthy and 安全 while nurturing wellbeing. With results that reach each facility user through smart technology, 一流的产品, 还有受过专业训练的人, 国际空间站提供安心,帮助客户塑造强大, 信誉良好的设施.




随着组织重新开放, 调整流程,重新调动员工, corporate real estate and facility management leaders will need to reassess the cleaning services landscape. When discussions happen, do organizations have the right people involved? In our new featured insight we discuss the next normal in cleaning services and Human Resources involvement. 



清洁是高质量解决方案的核心. As a global business delivering cleaning services on the frontline, 我们为客户提供广泛的战略亿宝彩票app官网, 战术, 以及操作技巧. 我们创造安全的地方,让人们放心, 鼓励生产力, 支持组织的目标.



清洁, 卫生, 温馨的工作环境有助于你提高注意力, 燃料效率, and reduce stress—all of which attracts and retains talent while strengthening your reputation with 游客.

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A clean 和卫生 workplace can help teams reach peak focus and ensure uptime by reducing the risk of malfunctions, 错误, 或事故. 干净的工作空间甚至可以减少缺勤.

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支持 patients and their families on their road to recovery with clean, 安全 hospital environments. 负责医疗保健家政和医疗设备清洁, our trained personnel are personally invested in helping your patients get well fast.

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一个干净、安全的设施能让人们保持健康和快乐. 无论是银行分行还是办公室接待区, 一尘不染的空间让游客感到安心, 让人们感到受欢迎, 提高你的声誉.


干净卫生的地方要求高标准. 作为商业清洁和卫生领域的世界领导者, 我们致力于健康事业, 安全, 和人民的幸福, 客人, 和客户. 作为合作伙伴, we can address concerns about hygiene through knowledge-sharing, 提高了清洁团队的可见度, and accurate testing and monitoring— always working to help accomplish your businesses goals.


国际空间站’ office cleaning solutions play a key role in shaping 安全, 积极的, and productive working environments — and giving facility users the confidence to focus on accomplishing your business goals.


Ensuring your floors and facilities are clean 和卫生 reduces the risk of accidents and protects the health of employees, 游客, 和其他人. 我们的清洁专业人员为生产亿宝彩票app官网, 制造业, 仓库, 以其他工业空间的最高质量标准.


从设备清洁到废物收集, 国际空间站’ trained specialists ensure facilities utilizing robotics, AI, 自动化, and other innovations and complex technologies comply with all necessary regulations while maintaining production levels and schedules.


For us, healthy food goes hand in hand with clean, 卫生 kitchens and dining spaces. Our cleaning specialists for food services can ensure that your food 制造业, 餐厅, or catering facilities leave people feeling happier and healthier. 


国际空间站 ensures passengers have a great experience when using your facility to reach their destination. Well-kept public spaces make 游客 feel welcome and help passengers reach their destinations feeling happy and healthy. 


A 卫生 hospital environment plays a vital role in lowering the risk of infections and helping patients recover. From premises and medical equipment cleaning to laundry services and more, we ensure the highest standards in hygiene in the healthcare industry. 


无论你是在主持工作场合的活动, 会议或其他大型聚会, 我们会确保你的活动场地干净, 舒适和欢迎-从开始到结束.



在国际空间站, we have over a centuries experience delivering unmatched consistency and compliance in our cleaning services, 这是由关心我们的人促成的. 这意味着:

  • Providing world-leading expertise in cleaning, disinfection, and hygiene.
  • 招聘和培训 最好的, most service-minded cleaning talent in the business and empowering them to put the client’s needs first. 
  • Building confidence by offering the highest standard in cost-effective cleaning, 同时确保遵守卫生, 安全, and environmental regulations across industries and continents. 
  • Partnering with world-leading suppliers and innovators in cleaning solutions to embrace the latest innovations. Some of these include self-driving robots that reduce water and chemical use, 植物性无化学成分洗涤剂, 还有更多.  
  • Reducing waste and lowering our environmental impact by recycling, 节约能源, 减少运输和包装的使用.


Are you are interested in our services or do you have questions about something else? 我们是来帮忙的.


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Artificial intelligence is already transforming how many businesses operate. In the coming years, leaders should prepare for its impact on the broader workplace experience.