1. What is the Holidays Act (2003)?

《亿宝彩票app》(2003年)规定了必须向新西兰所有雇员提供的最低休假权利(如年假), public holidays, sick leave, bereavement leave, alternative holidays, and family violence leave). 该法案还详细说明了雇主必须如何计算这些休假权利的报酬. 

A copy of the legislation can be found by clicking here

2. Why are we communicating with you?

这是工商部在全国范围内进行审计的结果 & Employment (MBIE), a number of employers across New Zealand, including 亿宝彩票app, 是否发现他们错误地计算了一些员工的假期工资.

To assist with this process, 亿宝彩票app聘请了一家声誉良好的独立咨询公司,该公司已经完成了对我们假期薪酬计算的详细审查. 这次审查发现了过去一些员工假期工资的计算和支付方式存在的问题. The issue primarily impacts those who work variable hours.

有关MBIE为支持雇主解决假日法案违规问题而进行的全国性审计和方法的更多细节,可通过以下链接找到 clicking here

3. What period has our payroll records been reviewed?

31 May 2015 to 19 November 2023

4. How do I know if I am impacted?

For Current 亿宝彩票app New Zealand Employees - wE会尽快与你沟通付款事宜 late 2023

For Past (Former) 亿宝彩票app New Zealand Employees - we will communicate further details about this process early 2024.

5. 如果我有权付款,我将收到如何这已计算的详细细分?

The method of calculation has been reviewed by MBIE, however, 因为计算是由一个强大的计算机程序使用大量的数据来完成的, 不可能向每个人提供详细的计算分项. 如果您认为根据您的计算,您的付款是不正确的, 我们可以根据您的要求安排对您的资料进行更详细的审查.

6. What happens if I have been overpaid?


7. 在这个过程中,过去(以前)的亿宝彩票app新西兰员工需要提供哪些文件或证据?


  1. Proof of identity: Any one of - birth certificate, passport, certificate of citizenship, NZ drivers licence
  2. 税号及税务局号码:已签署的税号声明表格(IR330). IRD Forms can be found by clicking here.
  3. 银行账户证明:这是包含您的姓名和银行账号的任何文件. 这可能是银行对账单、存款单或网上银行的截图. Whichever form of evidence you choose will need to show the bank’s logo and your full account number; and
  4. 如果您希望将付款金额的一定百分比存入您的Kiwisaver, you must upload a completed KiwiSaver form (KS2). IRD Forms can be found by clicking here.
  5. If you need help registering, 在线填写申请细节并加载文件, 然后,您可以通过在线门户网站上的“亿宝彩票app”表格与我们联系,寻求帮助.

More details will be provided on this process in early 2024.

8. 为什么过去(以前)的亿宝彩票app新西兰员工需要提供额外的文件?

完整的在线申请允许我们收集您当前的详细信息,并确保您有权获得付款, it is paid to you correctly. These details include your proof of your identity, your KiwiSaver contribution, current tax rate and current bank account details.

您提供给我们的任何个人信息都将按照《亿宝彩票app官网》进行处理. 要求提供的信息是我们核查过程的一部分, and to ensure that if there is a payment owed to you, it is paid to the right person. We cannot make any payment without this information.

9. 你为什么不能直接使用档案里的前雇员在亿宝彩票app工作时的信息呢?

我们需要确保我们有正确的当前详细信息,包括您当前的联系方式, bank account, Tax Code and Rate, and any KiwiSaver contribution. The details we hold may no longer be correct.

10. 如果我记不住工作的具体细节怎么办?

如果你不记得工作的具体细节, such as exact dates or your employee ID, please do not worry. 这些细节对验证过程是有帮助的,但并不是严格必要的. We use a variety of methods to confirm your identity, 尽你所能提供信息仍然是有价值的.

11. How will my payment impact my tax and other benefits?

所得税(PAYE)将根据您提供给我们的税法从付款中扣除. 我们鼓励您与税务局等相关机构联系,以了解您的付款是否会影响您与他们就当前收入达成的任何协议, benefits, child support or any other matters.

The Inland Revenue website has useful information 关于一次性付款的税务处理,如拖欠付款. You can also telephone the IRD on 0800 227 774.

12. 如果我有权获得付款,它可以支付到别人的银行账户吗?

No. 这笔款项将只支付给该员工或前(前)员工的银行账户, although a joint account is acceptable.

13. What if I don’t get contacted?

If you are a former employee and don’t get contacted, 这将是因为我们的数据更正和重新计算确定您在亿宝彩票app工作期间获得了正确的权利. 也有可能是你被多付了钱,而我们不寻求多付的赔偿.

14. Applying for a deceased person or someone you act for:

确定死者的遗产或你所代理的人是否有资格获得补偿金, please email us at holidays.act@nz.practicaldrilling.com 你和你所代表的个人的详细信息. 在提供任何有关潜在付款的信息之前,我们将要求您提供一份代表他们行事的授权副本.

15. Who do I contact if I have a question?

Please contact holidays.act@nz.practicaldrilling.com